Little Stories for Tiny People: Anytime and bedtime stories for kidsStories for Kids

Little Stories for Tiny People: Anytime and bedtime stories for kids

Little Stories for Tiny People: Anytime and bedtime stories for kids

PREMIUM PREVIEW: Brambleton's Unexpected Adventure

Sat, 08 Mar 2025
This is a preview of a story exclusive to Little Stories Premium. Brambleton is cozy in his little hut--whittling the last piece of his new chess set--when his cousin, Delphine, bursts in to invite him on a new adventure. Brambleton ultimately says yes, but what exactly has he agreed to do?
You'll have to listen to find out!
Thank you to FIA and BASTION for the super important reminder message at the beginning!
To hear the full episode, you can sign up for Little Stories Premium by visiting
Join Little Stories Premium to get more of the stories you love and access to Little Stories for Sleep, an exclusive bedtime podcast filled with sleepy stories!
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Franklin the Cat's Unusual Hobby: A Story for Kids

Sat, 22 Feb 2025
Franklin begins taking things apart when he is just three months old. It is easy to find interesting objects to deconstruct at the landfill where he lives with his family. But Franklin tires of being known as the odd cat with a strange hobby. He decides to make his home in the country, where he might find some peace and quiet, and keep his unusual hobby to himself. But things do not go quite as planned.
Thank you to MURPHY for the super important reminder message at the beginning!
Thank you to the many premium subscribers who supplied sound effects used in this story: HENRY, HOLDEN, AURORA, JJ, DAVIS, HAZEL, ASHERAH, BELLA ROSE, LINNEA, BEATRIX, RILEY, KEON, AVA, and ISABEL!
Get more of the stories you love, ad-free listening, and access Little Stories for Sleep--a bedtime podcast featuring brand new sleep stories--with Little Stories Premium! Join or GIFT a subscription at

Mrs. Owl's Soup: A Story for Kids

Sat, 08 Feb 2025
It is time for Mrs. Owl to go to bed. She's been out hunting all night and dawn is breaking out the window of her treehouse. But a wondrous idea seizes her and simply will not let go.
She will make some soup--not a lot, just two bowls. But Mrs. Owl's soup does not come out exactly as she expects. Find out what happens in this endearing tale about an owl following her latest flight of whimsy.
Thank you to AVA for the super important reminder message at the beginning!
Thank you to the many premium subscribers who supplied sound effects used in this story: JACK, MARY, AMY, PENNY, MICAH, FLORA, NARI, LEVI, DALLAS, RUBY, CLANCY, WILLOW, JUNE, KELS, NIKO, IVY, NILA, CULLEN, VIVIENNE, ANDREW, and EDDY!
Get more of the stories you love, ad-free listening, and access Little Stories for Sleep--a bedtime podcast featuring brand new sleep stories--with Little Stories Premium! Join or GIFT a subscription at

PREMIUM PREVIEW: Mr. Opossum Goes On A Search

Sat, 01 Feb 2025
This is a preview of a story exclusive to Little Stories Premium. Mr. Opossum always had a talent for finding things. He built a successful acorn storage and retrieval business, which became popular among the forest squirrels. With success came complexity, and Mr. Opossum needed help to keep his shop open. He found Beverly, a warm-hearted senior chipmunk, without even looking for her. But one day, after years of consistency, Beverly did not show up for work. Mr. Opossum realized he would have to go on a search for his beloved employee. Listen in to hear what happens in this sweet story.
To hear the full episode, you can sign up for Little Stories Premium by visiting
Join Little Stories Premium to get more of the stories you love and access to Little Stories for Sleep, an exclusive bedtime podcast filled with sleepy stories!
You can also purchase Little Stories Premium as a gift! Visit to learn more.

Leon's Adventure in the Snow: A Story for Kids

Sat, 25 Jan 2025
Leon is a young wild hamster hibernating the winter away in an underground burrow alongside his enormous family. But when a tree branch crashes to the ground above his head, shaking the ground all around him, he wakes up and goes on a snowy adventure. But the winter world presents challenges Leon did not appreciate or expect. Listen to find out what happens in this sweet tale about growing up.
Thank you to SAM for the super important reminder message at the beginning!
Get more of the stories you love, ad-free listening, and access Little Stories for Sleep--a bedtime podcast featuring brand new sleep stories--with Little Stories Premium! Join or GIFT a subscription at

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