Looking for the Perfect BeatMusic

Irvin Cee launched his weekly radio show "Looking for the Perfect Beat" on January 3, 2014. The one-hour weekly show, contains a various mix (beat mixed) of Deep House, House, Nu Disco, Funky, Tech House, Techno, and Hard Techno depending on Irvin's vibe of the moment. It is hosted (narrated) in English by Irvin Cee himself but in a way that the music still dominates. "Looking for the Perfect Beat" is featured on +40 radio stations all over the globe and been a part of many listeners weekend routine.

Looking for the Perfect Beat Radio Show

Looking for the Perfect Beat 2025-09 (NEDERLANDS) - Radioprogramma van Irvin Cee

Fri, 07 Mar 2025
Looking for the Perfect Beat 2025-09 by Irvin Cee
Release datum: February 28 2025

Dit is de Nederlandstalige versie van mijn radioprogramma.

Looking for the Perfect Beat is Irvin Cee's wekelijkse radioshow met de beste en nieuwste clubmuziek sinds 2014.
Een gevarieerde mix van Deep House, House, Tech House, Techno en Harde Techno wordt op zo'n subtiele manier gemixt dat het je naar nieuwe hoogten van muzikale ervaring brengt en je voelt je "gevangen" om tot het einde van de show te dansen.
De volledige en niet-gehoste versies zijn beschikbaar op geselecteerde platforms in video- en audioformaat.

Irvin Cee is beschikbaar voor Europese boekingen in Clubs, Festivals en in de betere Bars.

Video opnames:
Youtube: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Udui13ly-HY

Tijd +/- :Titel - Artiest (*tijd is +/-)
00:00:00 - Winds Of Change - HUGEhands
00:03:52 - Soulseeker - M-High
00:10:19 - Total Domination - P-rez
00:16:27 - Gotta Find a Way - Mr. V, Mo'Cream
00:21:16 - Luv Like This - Top Gunz
00:23:01 - Can't Get Enough Of Your Love - Jackers Revenge
00:27:34 - Disco Stepper - House of Prayers
00:31:40 - White Ride - Dj Lency
00:35:08 - Ain't No Way - Rick Marshall
00:39:03 - Into The Groove - Danielle Trebone
00:42:50 - Feel Blessed - Mr. V, NESI (ES)
00:44:18 - Heat - Prunk
00:47:22 - Hypnoselva - Art Alfie
00:53:13 - Lost 303 - Uto Karem
00:58:28 - Oblivion - Reign

#HUGEhands #MHigh #Prez #MrV #MoCream #TopGunz #JackersRevenge #HouseofPrayers #DjLency #RickMarshall #DanielleTrebone #MrV #NESIES #Prunk #ArtAlfie #UtoKarem #Reign #Valo #JAVAX #AngeloStasi #UFO95
#irvincee #"irvin cee" #perfectbeat #"perfect beat" #djmixes #clubbing #music #deephouse #"deep house" #house #techhouse #"tech house" #techno #djset #dj #nightlife #radio #tekkno #tekk #electronic #underground #festival #berlin #2023

Looking for the Perfect Beat 2025-09 - RADIO SHOW by Irvin Cee

Fri, 07 Mar 2025
Looking for the Perfect Beat 2025-09 by Irvin Cee
Release date: February 28 2025

Looking for the Perfect Beat is Irvin Cee's weekly radio show with the best and newest club music on the globe since 2014.
A various mix of Deep House, House, Tech House, Techno, and Hard Techno is beat mixed in such a slick way it will take you to new heights of musical experience and you feel trapped to dance until the very end of the show.
*Irvin Cee is available for International bookings at Clubs, Festivals en Quality bars.

Video recording:
Youtube: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Udui13ly-HY

Time +/- :Title - Artist (*time is +/- mix in time)
00:00:00 - Winds Of Change - HUGEhands
00:03:52 - Soulseeker - M-High
00:10:19 - Total Domination - P-rez
00:16:27 - Gotta Find a Way - Mr. V, Mo'Cream
00:21:16 - Luv Like This - Top Gunz
00:23:01 - Can't Get Enough Of Your Love - Jackers Revenge
00:27:34 - Disco Stepper - House of Prayers
00:31:40 - White Ride - Dj Lency
00:35:08 - Ain't No Way - Rick Marshall
00:39:03 - Into The Groove - Danielle Trebone
00:42:50 - Feel Blessed - Mr. V, NESI (ES)
00:44:18 - Heat - Prunk
00:47:22 - Hypnoselva - Art Alfie
00:53:13 - Lost 303 - Uto Karem
00:58:28 - Oblivion - Reign

#HUGEhands #MHigh #Prez #MrV #MoCream #TopGunz #JackersRevenge #HouseofPrayers #DjLency #RickMarshall #DanielleTrebone #MrV #NESIES #Prunk #ArtAlfie #UtoKarem #Reign #Valo #JAVAX #AngeloStasi #UFO95
#irvincee #"irvin cee" #perfectbeat #"perfect beat" #djmixes #clubbing #music #deephouse #"deep house" #house #techhouse #"tech house" #techno #djset #dj #nightlife #radio #tekkno #tekk #electronic #underground #festival #berlin #2023

Looking for the Perfect Beat 2025-08 - RADIO SHOW by Irvin Cee

Fri, 28 Feb 2025
Looking for the Perfect Beat 2025-08 by Irvin Cee
Release date: February 21 2025

Looking for the Perfect Beat is Irvin Cee's weekly radio show with the best and newest club music on the globe since 2014.
A various mix of Deep House, House, Tech House, Techno, and Hard Techno is beat mixed in such a slick way it will take you to new heights of musical experience and you feel trapped to dance until the very end of the show.
*Irvin Cee is available for International bookings at Clubs, Festivals en Quality bars.

Video recording:
Youtube: https://youtube.com/watch?v=KiLZlEVdyrc

Time +/- :Title - Artist (*time is +/- mix in time)
00:00:00 - Music Is Movin' - Hutch, Block & Crown
00:04:08 - Pull Up - Jewel Kid, Low Steppa
00:08:04 - When The Bass Kicks In - Matroda, Teko
00:09:46 - Out Of My Head - Grant Nelson, Martin Ikin
00:15:50 - Still - Yvvan Back
00:19:19 - Say Hey! - Mendo, Yvan Genkins
00:24:25 - Low - Umberto Pagliaroli
00:26:28 - Baila Samba - Abraham (ES)
00:29:07 - Like This, Like That - Castion
00:32:36 - Let's Go Dancing - Tiga, Audion, Layton Giordani
00:35:54 - Remote Control - Rich Coote
00:39:35 - Beirut - Filipe Barbosa
00:44:10 - Ehrenfeld - Oliver Kalte
00:46:22 - State Secrets - Jeremy P Caulfield
00:49:48 - Pay Attention - Marck D
00:52:37 - Saga - Shlomi Aber, Kashpitzky
00:55:44 - Very Cosmic - Private Press

#Hutch #BlockCrown #JewelKid #LowSteppa #Matroda #Teko #GrantNelson #MartinIkin #YvvanBack #Mendo #YvanGenkins #UmbertoPagliaroli #AbrahamES #Castion #Tiga #AudionLay #LaytonGiordani #RichCoote #FilipeBarbosa #OliverKalte #JeremyPCaulfield #MarckD #ShlomiAber #Kashpitzky #PrivatePress #Endlec
#irvincee #"irvin cee" #perfectbeat #"perfect beat" #djmixes #clubbing #music #deephouse #"deep house" #house #techhouse #"tech house" #techno #djset #dj #nightlife #radio #tekkno #tekk #electronic #underground #festival #berlin #2023

Looking for the Perfect Beat 2025-07 - RADIO SHOW by Irvin Cee

Tue, 25 Feb 2025
Looking for the Perfect Beat 2025-07 by Irvin Cee
Release date: February 14 2025

Looking for the Perfect Beat is Irvin Cee's weekly radio show with the best and newest club music on the globe since 2014.
A various mix of Deep House, House, Tech House, Techno, and Hard Techno is beat mixed in such a slick way it will take you to new heights of musical experience and you feel trapped to dance until the very end of the show.
*Irvin Cee is available for International bookings at Clubs, Festivals en Quality bars.

Video recording:
Youtube: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Qu1Ysa_ka58

Time +/- :Title - Artist (*time is +/- mix in time)
00:00:00 - Never Give Up Chique - Lissat, Tarrant
00:04:45 - Don't Mess With My Men - Richard Grey, Lissat, Eddie Pay
00:08:45 - Whitney's Dollar Bill - Ghostbusterz
00:12:38 - Young Hearts - Mike Ferullo, Ghostbusterz
00:14:39 - Slide On The Rhythm - Disco Or Die!
00:17:04 - Taking Control - Ellam
00:19:03 - One Last Hoochie - Jesse Perez
00:23:35 - Keep On - ESSENN
00:27:35 - Feel Real Good - Smokin Jo, James Hurr
00:31:39 - Winda - Marien Baker, Eli Rojas
00:36:07 - Limoncello - Harvy Valencia, Shahar, Motum
00:39:05 - Sentosa - Matthias Tanzmann
00:41:48 - Sabes Que Me Gustas - Patrick M
00:43:44 - Jump, Bounce feat. Aaron Veal - Catz 'n Dogz, Aaron Veal
00:48:31 - NA$TY - Stacey Pullen
00:52:05 - Baile Vem - Bexxie
00:55:05 - Latin Thing - 96 Vibe, Nautik (US)
00:58:17 - Frankie Knuckles - X CLUB.

#Lissat #Tarrant #RichardGrey #LissatEddiePay #EddiePay #Ghostbusterz #MikeFerullo #Ghostbusterz #DiscoOrDie #Ellam #JessePerez #ESSENN #SmokinJo #JamesHurr #MarienBaker #EliRojas #HarvyValencia #ShaharMotum #Motum #MatthiasTanzmann #PatrickM #CatznDogz #AaronVeal #StaceyPullen #Bexxie #96Vibe #NautikUS #XCLUB
#irvincee #"irvin cee" #perfectbeat #"perfect beat" #djmixes #clubbing #music #deephouse #"deep house" #house #techhouse #"tech house" #techno #djset #dj #nightlife #radio #tekkno #tekk #electronic #underground #festival #berlin #2023

Looking for the Perfect Beat 2025-06 - RADIO SHOW by Irvin Cee

Tue, 25 Feb 2025
Looking for the Perfect Beat 2025-06 by Irvin Cee
Release date: February 7 2025

Looking for the Perfect Beat is Irvin Cee's weekly radio show with the best and newest club music on the globe since 2014.
A various mix of Deep House, House, Tech House, Techno, and Hard Techno is beat mixed in such a slick way it will take you to new heights of musical experience and you feel trapped to dance until the very end of the show.
*Irvin Cee is available for International bookings at Clubs, Festivals en Quality bars.

Video recording:
Youtube: https://youtube.com/watch?v=e1SyBt-6lRo

Time +/- :Title - Artist (*time is +/- mix in time)
00:00:00 - Never Again - Jeremy Bass
00:05:29 - Get Him Outta Here - Jazzmik
00:09:05 - It's Serious - Rimarkable, Die Familia
00:12:39 - Jazz Hustle - Max Esposito
00:17:24 - Afterlife - Nate Laurence
00:19:30 - Get Down 2 Funk - Frank Amodo
00:24:48 - Keep On - Bress Underground
00:27:08 - Uh - Bessey
00:30:57 - What You Need - Richard Grey
00:33:10 - La Vela - Rafa Barrios
00:38:05 - Rave Repeat - Jenny C
00:41:26 - An Impatient Patient - Alexey Dunchyk
00:45:22 - Turkish Bazar - Emmanuel Top
00:49:26 - BAM BAM TSCHAK - Kai Tracid, A*S*Y*S, PETER PAHN
00:52:38 - Grape Soda - Commodore 69
00:56:02 - Seeing Clear - Setaoc Mass
00:58:39 - Royal Flush - Dax J

#JeremyBass #Jazzmik #Rimarkable #DieFamilia #MaxEsposito #NateLaurence #FrankAmodo #BressUnderground #Bessey #RichardGrey #RafaBarrios #JennyC #AlexeyDunchyk #EmmanuelTop #KaiTracid #ASYSPETERPAH #PETERPAHN #Commodore69 #SetaocMass #DaxJ
#irvincee #"irvin cee" #perfectbeat #"perfect beat" #djmixes #clubbing #music #deephouse #"deep house" #house #techhouse #"tech house" #techno #djset #dj #nightlife #radio #tekkno #tekk #electronic #underground #festival #berlin #2023

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