Men Loving Well with Dr. Jim SlaughterReligion

"Men Loving Well" with Dr. Jim Slaughter is a podcast on and GraceAndTruthRadio.World dedicated to teaching men how to love their wives well. Available now - MASTER THE ANGER WITHIN, by Dr. Jim Slaughter a dynamic, user friendly workbook that teaches key methods for shutting down anger, the emotion that can ruin everything.

Men Loving Well with Dr. Jim Slaughter

How Can Men Love Well In A Pornography Saturated World? How Can Churches Better Minister to Men? - Sam Black

Sun, 15 Oct 2023
Sam Black's motivating factor for writing and speaking on this topic was the need to provide an empathetic primer to ministry leaders and pastors who want to serve those in the church better. Many of those pastors were saying, "I know that two-thirds of the men in my church and one-third of the women say they have an ongoing struggle with pornography. Based on the statistics, I look out at my congregation and know there must be people struggling with this, but who are not talking to me about it. How can I help them? Where do I begin?"
Sam has heard lots of statements like this over his 16 years at Covenant Eyes. Covenant Eyes is a ministry that provides accountability software and lots of education to help people stop using pornography for good, or never to start. Sam has lead conferences in ballrooms filled with parents who were willing to discuss this topic, and who were ready to learn how pornography makes such a terribly destructive impact on their kids lives, and on their own as well. Yet some say this topic is too taboo to talk about in their church, and that the church didn't help them very much. Many people who have been through recovery and life change process say the same thing, the church did not help them very much. That's not the way it should be. The use of pornography, and sexual addiction are such besetting sins in a person's life, and are an enormous struggle even for Christians within the church. We as Christians are the church, and we need to be able to lean into that truth with authority, grace, and love, with a safe place and a safe process to really bring true lasting freedom.
You don't have to be a pastor to learn how to help adults, teens or children in your life that are struggling with pornography. You too can learn how to protect people from ever getting trapped into pornography, and how pornography hijacks the brain.

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Don't forget to check out Dr. Jim Slaughter's Book - MASTER THE ANGER WITHIN:!/Jim-Slaughter/c/128630254

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Cash Denief - A Man Who Loves Well

Mon, 21 Aug 2023
Geoff "Cash" Denief

When I think about men loving well, the name Cash Denief comes to mind immediately. Cash's own business is in the lumber industry, but much of his time is spent with his wife, Zan, helping run her premier bed and breakfast business. Some years back, Zan purchased a 100 year old schoolhouse and began to develop her vision by turning it into a bed and breakfast. Cash has worked side by side with his wife to help update and remodel, care for the grounds, and serve the gourmet meals that Zan prepares.
I have watched Cash care for his wife lovingly and sacrificially through the years, investing himself in her life and dreams. He follows the guidelines Paul sets forth in Ephesians 5:22-33. He loves his wife the way Christ loves the church, giving himself up for her.

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Don't forget to check out Dr. Jim Slaughter's Book - MASTER THE ANGER WITHIN:!/Jim-Slaughter/c/128630254

Visit Dr. Jim Slaughter's websites at:

Igor Bandura - Ukranian Pastor Shares What's Happening in the Ukrainian War to Christians

Fri, 28 Jul 2023
Igor Bandura - Ukrainian Pastor and Michael Johnson,vice president of the Ukrainian Baptist Union

Direct from the frontline in Ukraine, Pastor Igor Bandura, vice president of the Ukrainian Baptist Union is joined by Michael Johnson, president of Slavic Gospel Association (SGA,, serving alongside the local pastors risking their lives to deliver crucial humanitarian and spiritual aid on the frontline and he offers a firsthand update on what is happening in the besieged country and among the 100,000 members in the 2000 churches there.

Bandura represents a grassroots network of more than 2,000 churches across Ukraine -- local pastors and congregations helping their neighbors day after day as relentless missile attacks continue.

Ukrainian pastors have radically adjusted their ministries to meet the physical and spiritual needs of church members and countrymen since Russian forces invaded Ukraine almost a year ago.
Bandura reported that he and other pastors have relocated out of danger zones to the best of their ability in order to continue coordinating the work of the churches. They have sent wives and families to other places while they join the nation’s men and boys in holding forth. “We are trying to build international relations and unite all the people who are working to provide humanitarian aid,” he explained. The reality on the ground is that “millions of people left their homes and moved to the west of Ukraine,” he said. And more people are trying to cross the borders with Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia, “and there are 20- to 30-kilometer lines of cars waiting to cross the border and find safety. It takes sometimes two or three days.”

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Don't forget to check out Dr. Jim Slaughter's Book - MASTER THE ANGER WITHIN:!/Jim-Slaughter/c/128630254

Visit Dr. Jim Slaughter's websites at:

Make Her Feel Desired

Thu, 20 Jul 2023
This is the fourth episode in a 4-part series: 1) Make Her Feel Loved. 2) Make Her Feel Safe. 3) Make Her Feel Equal and 4) Make Her Feel Desired.

Part 4 emphasizes the importance of making your wife feel desired by showing her that you are attracted to her, you are crazy about her, you want her and only her. She alone is the delight of your eye. She needs to have you pursue her. All of these things will make her feel more desired by you.

Be sure to like and subscribe to my social media page.

Don't forget to check out Dr. Jim Slaughter's Book - MASTER THE ANGER WITHIN:!/Jim-Slaughter/c/128630254

Visit Dr. Jim Slaughter's websites at:

Men Loving Well with Dr. Jim Slaughter Trailer

Mon, 17 Jul 2023
Men Loving Well with Dr. Jim Slaughter is a podcast dedicated to helping men become better husbands and fathers. Dr. Slaughter is a licensed marriage and family therapist who has been helping couples for over 30 years. In each episode, he shares practical advice and biblical insights that can help men improve their relationships with their wives and children.

Be sure to like and subscribe to my social media page.

Don't forget to check out Dr. Jim Slaughter's Book - MASTER THE ANGER WITHIN:!/Jim-Slaughter/c/128630254

Visit Dr. Jim Slaughter's websites at:

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