Naked Astronomy, from the Naked ScientistsAstronomy

Naked Astronomy, from the Naked Scientists

Naked Astronomy, from the Naked Scientists

Biomass, living on Mars, and incoming asteroids!

Wed, 26 Feb 2025
Incoming! NASA's acting head of planetary defence, Kelly Fast, discusses asteroids, YR2 and how to protect our planet. The UK Space Agency's head of Earth Observation and Climate, Beth Greenaway, and chief scientist, Shaun Quegan, discuss the upcoming European Biomass mission to measure how much carbon is being stored in tropical forests. And Kelly Weinersmith - co-author of A City On Mars - explains why living on the red planet will be much harder than anyone thought... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists

NASA, the BBC and the Soviet spacecraft on the Isle of Man

Mon, 27 Jan 2025
This month, recently-retired BBC space correspondent, Jonathan Amos, and former NASA employee Herb Baker, author of From Apollo to Artemis: Stories from my 50 years with NASA, discuss reporting from a rocket launch, growing up with classmates whose dads are Apollo astronauts, and how material Herb's mother used to fix an aircon unit at home helped her save a Skylab mission. Plus, Richard sees a Soviet-era VA space capsule in the Manx Motor Museum on the Isle of Man... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists

UFOs... Is the truth out there?

Tue, 03 Dec 2024
Have we been visited by space aliens? This month space boffins Sue Nelson and Richard Hollingham delve into the history and science of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). They discuss UFOs with Pennsylvania State College professor and author of After the Flying Saucers Came, Greg Eghigian. They also talk to Thomas Zurbuchen, the longest ever serving head of science at NASA who commissioned an official report on UFOs. What does he believe? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists

Off to Europa, and life on Mars

Wed, 02 Oct 2024
NASA's Europa Clipper mission is about to head off on a five year mission to explore one of Jupiter's largest moons. Planetary geologist mission scientist Cynthia Phillips joins Sue Nelson and Richard Hollingham to discuss why this icy body could potentially be habitable. Plus, engineer, author and president of the Mars Society, Robert Zubrin, on his book The New World on Mars, and how societies and cities will emerge on the red planet once colonisation is underway... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists

John McFall, Tim Peake and how to build a spaceport

Wed, 28 Aug 2024
Former paralympic athlete, surgeon and European Space Agency (ESA) reserve astronaut, John McFall joins Sue Nelson and Richard Hollingham to share his experiences of the Fly study to investigate whether people with physical disabilities could become astronauts. Also on the show, astronaut Tim Peake, who now has a new role at Axiom Space, Saxa Vord CEO, Frank Strang, and director of operations, Scott Hammond, discuss how they are building a spaceport in Shetland... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists

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