New Apostles VoiceChristianity

New Apostles Voice is a channel of blessing to all born again believers as well as those who are searching for the good news of the Kingdom of God. This will be provided by way of podcasts, blogs and selected music tracks. We hope to faithfully convey God's will and purposes as written in His Word, the Bible. These messages are by John Macdonald. We believe in the dynamic empowering and anointing of the Holy Spirit to provide for all those who desire God's plans for their lives in a practical daily walking and talking of the Christian way of life. This life is everlasting through the work of the Holy Spirit and the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ to the honour and glory of God the Father.

New Apostles Voice

This Is God's Work -Podcast 364

Mon, 10 Mar 2025
God's Work Is Important
It is vital that God's children learn to first ask the Holy Spirit, then listen to what He tells their spirit then finally carry out the plans of God, according to His will and purposes and not their own. It is so important to be willing to put aside what our mind would like to do and not only be willing to listen but to obey the instructions of the Holy Spirit. This will always be in line with the revelation knowledge of God's word, the Holy Bible. Always call upon the Lord and remember to do God's work, His way and not your own.

The Power of Confession - Podcast 363

Mon, 03 Mar 2025
Human beings have been created by God, to be able to speak or confess, their thoughts and knowledge in a logical and audible manner. They are able to confess both good and bad words in an intelligible and known language to each other. It is a God given characteristic that enables mankind to be on a plane of communication that is vastly superior, to the rest of God's earthly creation. When you are born again you repent of your sins and confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. In the marriage ceremony, you confess your love for your wife or husband. When you buy a property you confess your bank balance to your financier. Christians need to regard the confession of God's word, over all their circumstances, as an incredibly prized possession. Confession must be wisely guarded and based on the Holy Spirit's directions and the word of God. Human beings are the only part of earthly creation that are able to talk to their Creator, through their spirit.

God's Promises For You - Podcast 362

Mon, 24 Feb 2025
God has promised His richest blessings upon all His children, who obey the Holy Spirit's directions and constantly accept His promises, from His word, the Holy Bible, to them, personally. God is a wonderful Father, who has given promises to His children, to protect and provide for their life, on earth. Belief in His promises will bring His eternal blessings. These blessings are in abundance for those who read, meditate, confess and apply His wisdom, to their daily lives. I have made a selection from God's myriad promises and blessings to, His redeemed children.

Put On Christ - Podcast 361

Mon, 17 Feb 2025
According to Colossians chapter 3 verses 1 to 4 we are to always seek to do God's will. These New Testament words confirm what is written in Amos chapter 5 verses 4 to 6. We are to seek the heavenly things of the Lord. Christ is seated above; sitting at the right hand of the Father. This is also where all born again Christians, are also seated, together, with Him, in His resurrection power. Don't let yourself be too involved, in the things of the world but rather set your mind on things above, where the Lord is seated. You died to self when you yielded your life to the Lord. This enabled you to become a recreated child of God, through the unction of the Holy Spirit. Your life is now hidden, forever, with Christ, in fellowship with your Father God. When Christ comes for every born again believer, because we are living in and through Him, who is our life, we will then appear with Him, in His glory, forever!

Understanding Your Authority in Christ --Blog 359

Mon, 10 Feb 2025
Those people who desire to live in God's wisdom that is provided by the Holy Spirit's revelation knowledge, are able to do so. They are given real understanding that all Christians need to know. We read from Proverbs chapter 10 verse 13a that true wisdom is spoken from the lips of those who have godly, understanding. As human beings we must not think, say or act upon the wisdom and understanding of our mind or the minds of other people. We must seek the wisdom that the Holy Spirit provides to the spirit of all born again children of God. These are those people who are willing to listen to the understanding of the Holy Spirit's revelation of God's word, the Holy Bible.

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