Cambrian Radio Soul

Not Just Another Soul Station

Cambrian Radio

Vicki Sue Robinson - Turn The Beat Around (extended)

Cambrian Radio - Cambrian Radio was formed in 2018 by close friends Owen Hopkin and Davy Tee, who became dis-illusioned with some attitudes towards radio presenters and the provision of high quality material for Radio Broadcast. Presenters were being stifled into playing (on some occasions) what they were told to play and were being restricted from freely expressing themselves, which is why although a soul based station, Cambrian Radio allows it's presenters to push boundaries and venture into other genres with abslutely no restrictions on the music they play. Our presenters have total control over their content and freedom to express themselves in whatever way they see fit. The station Broadcasts in 320K highest available Broadcasting quality to ensure listeners get the best that is available for them to stream via their devices.

Now Playing on Cambrian Radio

Vicki Sue Robinson

Turn The Beat Around (extended)

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