XRadio Dance

XRadio - The Worldwide Superstation


Slowdive - Sugar For The Pill

XRadio - XRadio: the Worldwide Superstation is an internet radio freeform music station streaming live at XRADIO.ZONE and popular in virtual worlds like Second Life and the gaming community. Auto DJ programming includes rock, rap, rave, and remixes.Individual sets/shows are controlled by the DJs performing and are not beholden to any type of station-wide playlist or rotation schedule. Experimentation, spontaneity and humor are among XRadio‘s most frequently noted distinguishing traits. The station does not belong to any existing internet radio network, and most of its programming originates with volunteers.​When a live DJ isn’t on air, XRadio will broadcast with DJX – an automated DJ.

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Sugar For The Pill

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XRadio - The Worldwide Superstation

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